Sci Fiction & Fantasy Books
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The RowanNightfall - A very good book by Asimov, this time he deals about people who have never experienced night time in their lives. They were used to daytime, and it took a few thousand years before sun went down. This book deals with how people react to the coming of the nightfall. Psychological problems crop up when that time approached, for people weren't really prepared for what will happen once the night time comes. A riveting and intriguing book to read.

Nemesis - Another very good book by Asimov, the main character of the book is about 15-year-old girl who had to go to another planet with her parents, whom she disliked for forcing her to go. She left behind Earth, and adventures began for this lonely and chubby teenager. A unforseen danger had come for Earth, she and others were working furiously to prevent that from happening using ways they know how. You got to read this book to see the conclusion, which was not what you expected.

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