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The RowanThe Rowan - A woman whose parents died when she was just a small child, her hidden powers of telepathy, a person which is called a Talent, surged to the surface when panicking. A story of the Rowan who grew up to become the Prime of Callisto Tower with tremendous loneliness until she met Jeff Raven, another powerful Talent. Together, they fought against the common enemy: the aliens Hivers. A interesting story that deals with telepathy and more powers.

DamiaDamia - Second generation of Talented parents, the Rowan and Jeff Raven, only that Damia is far more powerful than her own parents, even at a very young age. She was able to move things around and she had a short temper whenever got into her way. Again, she also becomes a Prime, but her heart was yearning for Afra Lyon, the man who worked with the Rowan for many years. Together and all the other Talents fought with the enemy aliens. At the same time, they meet a new ally: the Mrdinis who will fight alongside the humans.

Damia's ChildrenDamia's Children - Third generation of Talents whose powers inherited from two generations of Talent powers. It only mentioned a few of the eldest children of Damia and Afra: Laria, Isthian, Rojer, and Zara's missions. The youngest were not ready for such missions. All of the children are as powerful as their parents, and were raised and paired with Mrdini children to secure their communication and kinship. While first and second generations fought with the enemy alien, there are much more Talented people at this time and were able to ward off any enemy since they were at all posts across the galaxy. This time they encountered a destroyed enemy alien ship and three escaping pods with the Hive queens. They succeed in capturing the Hive queen. While everybody were debating whether to execute the Hive queen, the Talented people fought hard to keep the queen alive.
Lyon's PrideLyon's Pride - Continuation of Damia's Children, I have not finished this review, but I will post it once I'm done.
DragonflightDragonflight - A fantasy book by the same fantastic author, Anne McCaffrey that wrote the Rowan series. This time McCaffrey deals with the world of magic and dragons. This book was truly a great read, which was about a woman, Lessa, who have power to protect Ruatha Valley. She was planning to destroy the Lord who held her valley. Only that the dragonmen interfered her plans and they chose her as the Weyrwoman of Benden. She bonded with a golden queen dragon, Ramoth, together they were formidable. All of the people no longer heed the legends of Silver Threads, which were bound to come again and Threads destroy everything on Pern (the planet). The dragonmen were desperate to revive the Lords' and people's interest but failed until Lessa discovered few things to save Pern. A fantastic read!
GlenravenGlenraven - A story about two women who went through life crises such as a divorce and a death of her child. Both were best friends but lost touch for a while. A book at a bookstore was looking for heroes to rescue people in Glenraven from the evil wizardess. Only that they didn't expect such heroes like these women and the book have many twists that will keep you mesmerized to the end. It's a book of magic and healing of one's past.
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