Your Comments/Point of View: Astronomy

Since almost every person that has touched the subject of astronomy, each one would have his or her own point of view on the universe. While I have my own opinion on how the universe is created and evolved, I would love to hear yours and add any link or site you'd like to include on Astronomy page.

Fill in the blanks below and answer some of the questions. Enjoy!


Your E-mail:

Where are you from:

Do you think the size of the universe is:

Do you believe in Big Bang Theory?

Do you believe the universe is accelerating or decelerating?

Which one do you believe on how the universe was created:
Creationism Evolution Don't Know
How did you think the universe was created:

Should Religion be included or considered as one of the sciences?
Yes No Neither

Why or why not:

Add your link to Astronomy or any comments you'd like to share below: